Prosper Loan Analysis with Python

Performed exploratory and explanatory data analysis of an online peer-to-peer lending platform - Prosper - using Pandas, Numpy, Seaborn and Matplotlib.

Wrangling Twitter archives with Python

Queried Twitter's API using the Tweepy library in Python. Further analyzed the data using pandas, numpy, matplotlib and seaborn libraries.

Data Exploration with SQL

Explored Case Study #1 of Data with Danny 8 Week SQL Challenge; analyzed customers' visiting and spending patterns.

Analysis of Gapminder Data with Python

Explored gapminder world to see the impact of certain economic metrics on Life expectancy in various countries between 2000 and 2019.

Data Exploration with MS Excel

Performed exploratory analysis on the Q2 2022 records of Maven Communications and made recommendations on how to improve customer retention and reduce churn rate.

Bike-share analysis

Analyzed the patterns of the Cyclistic bike-share users using R.

Tableau Dashboards

Insightful visualization of various datasets using Tableau.

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